Business Integrations Specialist

I'm Andrei, a product developer passionate about building solutions with cutting-edge technologies. I leverage user data and iterative development methodologies to craft efficient and scalable products.


Front-End Development

I create responsive, user-friendly front-end interfaces that engage your audience and deliver a seamless user experience.

Back-End Development

I build scalable, secure back-end systems that power your applications and provide the foundation for your business operations.


Strategic Consulting

I provide strategic consulting services to help you identify opportunities, set goals, and develop a roadmap to achieve your business objectives.

Workflow Automation

I'll help you streamline your business processes, identify bottlenecks, and implement automation solutions to improve efficiency and productivity.


Data Processing

I help businesses make sense of their data. I can build custom data processing pipelines, automate data collection, and create data visualizations to help you make informed decisions.

AI Integrations

I bridge the gap between AI and local businesses. I translate complex tech into practical solutions that automate tasks, personalize experiences, and unlock data-driven insights.


API & CMS Integration

I can help you integrate third-party APIs and CMS platforms to enhance your website's functionality and provide a seamless user experience.

Python Scripting

I can develop solutions that streamline your app's operations and user interactions, such as chatbots for customer service, task automation tools, or data-driven bots

Let's get in touch!

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